Ride of Silence HK 2012 沉默的騎行

The past year saw the highest ever recorded number of cyclist deaths in Hong Kong: twenty people who are no longer riding. That’s 20 out of a total of 128 road deaths of all kinds: almost one in every six road fatalities was a cyclist. The 2012 Ride of Silence will send a powerful message that the government has a duty to take action to reduce this carnage, especially by increasing awareness among drivers and the public in general of the rights and needs of cyclists. 去年是香港有記錄以來錄得最多單車使用者 死亡 的一年:一共有 20 位永不能再騎單車的人。這是全部共128名交通意外死者的其中20位,即是約每六位交通意外死者中就有一位是騎單車者。2012年「沉默的騎行」會發放一個強烈的訊息,就是政府有責任以行動去減少這「屠殺」,尤其是加強公眾及駕駛人仕對單車使用者的權利及需要的意識。