Ride of Silence 2014

「根據警方數字,二○一三年涉及單車的交通意外共有2 526宗,導致2 616名騎單車人士傷亡,較二○一二年的2 582宗單車交通意外和涉及的2 668名傷亡人士比較,均下跌2%。於二○一三年有八名 騎單車人士在交通意外中死亡,較二○一二年減少一人。」 http://www.info.gov.hk/ gia/general/201402/18/ P201402180447.htm "Police figures show that in 2013, there were 2 526 traffic accidents involving bicycles, resulting in 2 616 cyclist casualties. When compared with 2 582 traffic accidents and 2 668 cyclist casualties in 2012, both figures decreased by 2 per cent. Eight cyclists died in traffic accidents in 2013, a decrease of one person when compared with 2012." http://www.info.gov.hk/ gia/general/201402/18/ P20 1402180444.htm https://www.facebook.com/events/276229455863076/