Ride of Silence HK 2013 沉默的騎行

 Date: Wednesday 15th May 日期:5月15日星期三
Time: 7.15pm 時間:晚上7時15分
Location: TST Clock Tower 地點:尖沙咀鐘樓

Organiser: Hong Kong Cycling Alliance; Event partner: HKCI.net
Supporting party: Sportsoho (http://www.sportsoho.com/)

All cyclists are invited to ride together to remember all those cyclists who died or were injured in 2012 in Hong Kong, and to quietly make the statement that “we are here” and deserve respect and consideration. This is one of hundreds of such rides around the world at the same time, annually on this third Wednesday in May.

More information 更多資訊:http://hkcyclingalliance.org/ros2013



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